+ Book Lists
+ optimize
+ visual design
+ ux design
+ technology
+ fiction
Current read: The Product Book: How to Become a Great Product Manager
+ optimize
The Timeless Way of Building
Christopher Alexander
thoughtful book on form and structure following the needs of people first. how to optimize good feelings and usefulness in a room, home, street, building and city.
Brain Rules
John Medina
good all rounder on how the brain functions best, and why. How to be healthy, in a nutshell.
3 companion books expand on the brain, development, aging well and workflow.
Carol S. Dweck
Very thorough. Important outlooks that improve mindset.
An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth MakingTony Fadell
a personal account of the experiences from the lead creator for the ipod, followed by the nest thermostat.
The Science of Popularity in the Age of Distraction
Derek Thompson
Covers anthropology, culture, the structure around success.
The Creative Habit
Twyla Tharp
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
covers routines, addiction in the brain with both good and bad habits.
The Second Mountain
David Brooks
Emphasizes the value of builidng and creating community.
The Story of Success
Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library
Jim Rohn
insight into a life best lived.
Atomic Habits
James Clear
The two-minute rule. A little bit of a good habit is better than none. Restrict ways to bad habits and ease routes to good habits. Get 1% better and do a little of the good habit even it’s it’s just 30 seconds.
Clear Thinking
Shane Parrish
Take accountability for mistakes, especially when they happen from outside of your control. Don’t panic, and do your best to build good values for yourself and the people around you. it’s important to live life well and pursue gentle wisdom.
leaders eat last
simon sinek
+ Visual Design
The Power of Limits
György Dóczi
Beautiful book on mathematical ratios found universally in culture and nature.
Principles of Color Design
Wucius Wong
Form + Code
Casey Reas
+ UX Design
Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design
Kat Holmes
Building For Everyone
Annie Jean-Baptiste
Design Practices From Google's Product Inclusion Team
the Design Method:
A Philosophy and Process for Functional Visual Communication
Eric Karjaluoto |
+ technology
brave New Words:
How AI Will Revolutionize Education
References Neal Stephenson’s Diamond Age, about a child from humble starts having an ai-tutor. Education can reduce bias, through a curated ai that encourages non-biased, critical thinking.
The Big Nine
Completed June 2024
The history and framework for how AI technology has been developed in China and the US. Best-case scenarios and worst-case ones. What is needed to change within the industry to ensure a safer, diverse and utopian future.
The Infinite Retina
Irena Cronin
Spatial Computing, Augmented Reality, and how a collision of new technologies are bringing about the next tech revolution
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Max Tegmark
+ fiction
The Diamond Age
neal stephenson
Beautiful and horrifying. concepts of society and education, seeing modern fables play out, and the importance of a caring human connection in the age of Ai.
neal stephenson
Beautiful and horrifying. concepts of society and education, seeing modern fables play out, and the importance of a caring human connection in the age of Ai.