the vectorkit series is royalty free vector graphics (.SVG) available for commercial use. They were built between 2013-2017 and hosted on a bigcartel product site.
Averaged one new pack per year, while my main toolset was Illustrator and vector graphics.
series 5
_series 4
Vectorkits series four
Created with totemical︎︎︎. Mouseover on image to see the parts that I built.
Watched a lot of Ghost in the Shell around this time.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
Created with totemical︎︎︎. Mouseover on image to see the parts that I built.
Watched a lot of Ghost in the Shell around this time.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
_series 3
created jointly with totemical.
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
_series 2
created jointly with totemical.
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
_series one
created jointly with totemical.
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎
hover on image to see the parts that I built.
Gumroad purchase link︎︎︎